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Hosted by: Andy Jenkins

Move forward. From where you are to where you're designed to be. In 30 minutes or less in each.

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Emotions | recognize your soul limits to sustain long-term health

Itā€™s easy to hit your stress ceiling when it comes to the realm of emotions. And, whereas we canā€™t expect perfection from the people around us (nor from ourselves), we can create margin so that we can handle the...
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Money | donā€™t confuse standard of living with quality of life

The top two stressors in relationships, according to most experts and therapists, are sex and money. When it comes to finances, we have a lot of strange ideasā€¦ For instance, šŸ’°We buy things we donā€™t need šŸ’°We readily...
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Time | thereā€™s always enough time do do what should be doneā€¦

Thereā€™s never enough time to do everything that COULD be done, but thereā€™s always MORE THAN enough time to do what SHOULD be done. The problem isā€¦ wellā€¦ we tend to fill every bit of space with SOMETHING. Ā  Throughout...
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Margin | space between whatā€™s required and whatā€™s available

Margin is the buffer between what you have and whatā€™s required to get something done. Itā€™s the edge. The space. The gap between what you have and what you need. When thereā€™s little margin, we hit our stress...
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The Advance is returningā€¦ Soon. In this episode of the Advance-cast we talk about: šŸ‘‰ where the event originated šŸ‘‰ what an Advance is actually like šŸ‘‰ youā€™ll hear from past attendees šŸ‘‰ you can register for the waitlist...
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You (individuality)

Who you are is greater than what you do. The fruit of your life is an overflow of the person youā€™re becoming. ā­ļø šŸ’„ INSIDE-OUT Work on you while you work on the dream. That is, do BOTH at the same timeā€” itā€™s not...
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Who (help, interdependence)

Relationships are the currency of those who live in the realm of their inherent greatness. Walking in healthy relationships with whole people is integrate to living your purposeā€¦ šŸšŒ BUSINESS example = In the book Good...
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Why (heart, inspiration)

Knowing your true internal motivation(s) for the life youā€™re trying to build empowers self-awareness (knowing who you are), as well as self-leadership (knowing how to move forward with faithfulness). Here are a few...
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How (hands, implementation)

Saying ā€œyesā€ to the great stuff in life often requires saying ā€œnoā€ to the good. That is, our most pivotal decisions donā€™t usually come to down a choice between ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œbadā€ but, rather, ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œgreat.ā€ Butā€¦ If...
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What (head, idea)

The first step to living a life by design (instead of default) is deciding where you want to go. The second step is owning where you are nowā€¦ (Where you are NEVER defines who you areā€” itā€™s just your current location,...
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Weā€™re about to reboot the Advance movementā€¦. The website (most of it!) is up. The emails are about to start again. The text botā€¦ itā€™s coming together.Ā  (And thereā€™s more, super-stuff weā€™ll talk about over the next two...
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